How the left can organise to transform society John Rees What makes change happen? What makes some people struggle actively to change the world while others remain passive? For those…[...]
How the left can organise to transform society John Rees What makes change happen? What makes some people struggle actively to change the world while others remain passive? For those…[...]
The General Strike of 1926 Tony Cliff and Donny Gluckstein The key question for Marxists is how to relate to the working class. In countries where the workers are organised…[...]
By Chinedu Chukwudinma Walter Rodney was almost the same age as Malcolm X and Martin Luther King when the ruling class murdered him on June 13th 1980. This speaks to…[...]
By Ian Birchall A guide to the real Lenin, showing the complexities behind a man often vilified by historians. Ian Birchall guides the reader through an introductory analysis of Lenin's…[...]
State and Revolution (1917) describes the role of the state in society, the necessity of proletarian revolution, and the theoretic inadequacies of social democracy in achieving revolution. It describes the…[...]
By Charlie Hore et al Many Africans have mixed feelings about China. On the one hand China was an underdeveloped peasant economy which transformed itself over the last few decades…[...]
by Cinzia Arruzza, Tithi Bhattacharya, and Nancy Fraser Feminism should be about liberating the lives of market women, women farmers, nurses, primary school teachers, office cleaners. They are some of the many women…[...]
by Chimamanda Adichie We Should All Be Feminists includes anecdotes and analyses about what it means to be a feminist. She argues that "feminist" isn't an insult, but rather a label…[...]
Tony Cliff (2000) An introduction to Marxism by a Palestinian Jew who emigrated to Britain and founded the Socialist Workers Party. Written for socialists across the world. Download below Tony…[...]
by Joseph Choonara & Leo Zeilig 2020 Socialism in Africa will develop from the daily trade union struggles of workers. Socialists need to provide solidarity for these strikes and generalise…[...]