The Blood Never Dried : A people’s history of the British empire By John Newsinger

The Blood Never Dried : A people’s history of the British empire
By John Newsinger

The Queen represented all the worst aspects of British imperialism and the terror of its state. We are glad this symbol of inequality, oppression and injustice is no more!! This book challenges the claims that the British Empire was a civilising force in the world of imperialism under the Queen.

John Newsinger sets out to uncover this neglected history of repression and resistance. To the boast that “”the sun never set on the British Empire”” the 19th Century Chartist Campaigner, Ernest Jones replied “”and the blood never dried.””

John Newsinger has written a wonderful popular history of key episodes in British imperial history. He pays particular attention to the battles of the colonised to free themselves of its awful rule, in later cases overseen by Queen Elizabeth II. He covers the Rebellion in Jamaica; The Irish Famine; The Opium Wars; The Great Indian Rebellion; The Conquest of Egypt; Palestine in Revolt; ‘Quit India’ and the struggle for Independence; Suez; Malaya; Kenya and Rhodesia; and, Britain and American Imperialism.

King Charles represents the continuity of this imperial tradition. His idea of human rights is the divine right of kings! He last visited Nigeria just after the massacre of 39 Shiites at Karu Bridge, FCT in 2018. He thus gave his blessing to this act of open state terror.

Read this book and celebrate the many millions who fought back against the worst excesses of inequality, oppression and injustice across the British empire. The struggle continues!

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